
go off是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

go off

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.进行得 (well; badly);(话等)冒出


第三人称单数:goes off  现在分词:going off  过去式:went off  过去分词:gone off  同义词反义词


v.explode,blow up,go up,detonate,leave


na.1.经过,进行得 (well; badly)2.(枪)打出,(炸弹)爆炸,(话等)冒出3.〈口〉(食物)变坏4.睡着,昏过去5.逃走,离去,走掉;(演员)退场,下6.〈口〉(女儿)出嫁;渐渐忘怀;死;卖掉1.经过,进行得 (well; badly)2.(枪)打出,(炸弹)爆炸,(话等)冒出3.〈口〉(食物)变坏4.睡着,昏过去5.逃走,离去,走掉;(演员)退场,下6.〈口〉(女儿)出嫁;渐渐忘怀;死;卖掉

na.1.to explode, or to be fired2.to start making a noise as a signal or warning3.if something such as a light or an electricity supply goes off, it stops working or being available4.to leave a place, especially for a particular purpose5.to happen in a particular way6.to suddenly become angry and start shouting7.if food or drink goes off, it is no longer fresh8.to become worse in quality9.to stop liking someone or something10.to start to sleep1.to explode, or to be fired2.to start making a noise as a signal or warning3.if something such as a light or an electricity supply goes off, it stops working or being available4.to leave a place, especially for a particular purpose5.to happen in a particular way6.to suddenly become angry and start shouting7.if food or drink goes off, it is no longer fresh8.to become worse in quality9.to stop liking someone or something10.to start to sleep

1.爆炸 go in for 参加,沉迷于 go off 爆炸,被发射,离去,停止运行 go on 继续,升 ...

2.离开 come off 脱落/分离, go off 离开; keep off 使离开/不接近; ...

3.离去 go into action 开始行动 go off 离去;去世;被发射 go off with 拿去;抢走;拐走 ...

4.爆炸,发射 go down 下降,降低;被载入,传下去 go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开 go out 外出;熄灭 ...

5.响起 kill time 消磨时间 21. go off 响起 22. wake up 醒来 23. ...

6.闹钟 oversleep v.睡过头;睡的过久 go off 闹钟(闹响) rush v.冲,奔 ...

7.进行 go all out 全力以赴 go off 爆炸,进行,变坏,断电,停止供应 go back on 背约,食言 ...

8.走开 112.come off 脱离开 113.go off 走开 116.run back up the hill 跑回到山上 ...


1.Another incendiary device, which did not go off, was discovered a little more than a day later in County Armagh.一天多之后,在阿马郡(CountyArmagh),发现了另一处尚未熄火的引爆装置。

2.At the first go-off he thought the work was delightful but it turned out to be boring.开头他还以为那工作很惬意呢,可实际上很乏味。

3.Within a week Darwin was addicted to the subject and was ready to go off geologizing on his own.不到一周,达尔文就迷上了这个科目,急于出发开始自己的地质学调查。

4.He held the gun tightly; he wondered if he was holding it too tightly, so tightly that it would go off before he wanted it to.他紧紧握着枪,他怕自己把枪握得太紧了,紧得在他想要开枪之前就走了火。

5.To go off and invade and then occupy another country would have meant unity and that wasn't something many of the warlords were ready to do.离开自己的国家,入侵其它国家,占领其它国家就意味着团结,而这在当时军阀根本不乐意这样做。

6.Woman: Yes, Thursday is all right. My husband likes to go off to his club on Thursday.妇女:好的,星期四可以。我老公刚好喜欢周四去他的俱乐部。

7.Jim took it into his head to give up his good job and go off for a holiday with a relative.吉姆突然心血来潮,要放弃他的好工作,与一亲戚去度假。

8.Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make.不发展这些技巧会使你允许自己去概括或思想行动发生忽然旳改变,失去目标。

9.I would no longer be able to go off to restaurants with friends as soon as I got paid at the beginning of the month.我再也不能像以前那样月初一拿到工资就呼朋唤友地去酒馆了。

10.As a writer who had always been much to fond of parentheses and footnotes, I found this opportunity to go off on tangents irresistible.作为一名总是过度痴迷于各种小伎俩和注释的作者,我发现这是一个难以抵抗的偏离主题的机会。